Tuesday 19 June 2018

Hi, it has been awhile lol

Been along time since my last post. We have moved into 2 rentals and finally bought a house. Mark is currently putting the Petrov  touches and mobility touches on the house to make it our home. Looking forward to the move in July 😀.

My health is still plodding along, loving my good days and enduring my bad ones. So lucky my husband and kids are my world. Crochet is my sanity, as I have been enjoying chunky yarn. I also found a way to crochet Angel baby blankets in 8ply. So I am super happy I can at least make those to donate.

Once we get settled into our new home I will have a memory board to remind me of things I enjoy like this blog, crochet etc.

It is winter in Sydney Australia at the moment, so I am in love with this weather.

Changed the blog name again, as I still crochet and I am thinking of starting a crochet group from home. But will see, just a thought at present.

Bye for now.
Happy Winter Solstice 🌛🌝🌜